Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Joyce Ferris

Joyce Ferris, Managing Partner for Blue Hill Partners LLC, talks about the economic opportunities for the Commonwealth in the Climate ... all » Change Roadmap for Pennsylvania from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Nathan Wilcox

Nathan Wilcox from PennEnvironment talks about what's needed to implement the Climate Change Roadmap for Pennsylvania from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Sen. Ted Erickson

Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware) talks about the opportunities for Pennsylvania in the Climate Change Roadmap from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Dr. Paul Hepperly

Dr. Paul Hepperly of The Rodale Institute talks about the opportunity for agriculture in the PA Environmental Council's Climate Roadmap for Pennsylvania.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Joel Rotz, Farm Bureau, Urges Support for REAP

Joel Rotz, PA Farm Bureau, talks about the environmental stewardship of family farms and how REAP -- House Bill 100 - Senate Bill 690 -- will help Pennsylvania farmers improve their conservation efforts.

John Brosious, PMAA, Supports REAP

John Brosious, PA Municipal Authorities Association, explains why REAP -- House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690 -- is important to cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and other watersheds.

Rep. Stern Talks About Support for REAP

Rep. Jerry Stern (R-Blair) talks about why REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690 - is important to protecting water quality in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Peter Daley Urges Support for REAP

Rep. Peter Daley (D-Washington) tells why it's important to support REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690.

Chad Forcey, PA Landscape & Nursery Assn. Supports REAP

Chad Forcey, PA Landscape & Nursery Association, talks about why his industry supports REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690.

Brian Hill, PA Environmental Council Supports REAP

Brian Hill, President & CEO of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, tells why the environmental community supports REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690.

Sen. Michael O'Pake Supports REAP

Sen. Michael O'Pake (D-Berks) tells why REAP -- House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690 -- are important to helping family farms, particularly ... all » dairy operations, improve their environmental stewardship and their income.

A Star Is Born - Blessing the Cow

Blessing the cow gets ready for her starring role in a press conference supporting the REAP - Resource Enhancement and Protection Act -- legislative proposal. Blessing is owned by the Michael Miller Family from Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County.