Agriculture Budget Restoration Vital. The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee held a hearing on dramatic cuts recommended to the Department of Agriculture Budget by Gov. Rendell.
Brenda Shambaugh, PA Assn. of Conservation Districts, explained the many responsibilities of districts and the 20 percent cut in funding proposed by Gov. Rendell.
Watch these other videos from the hearing--
Matt Ehrhart, Chesapeake Bay Founding, On Restoring Budget
Matt Ehrhart, CBF, full testimony
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Conservation Districts Cut 20 Percent
Matt Ehrhart, CBF, Presents Senate Testimony
Agriculture Budget Restoration Vital. The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee held a hearing on dramatic cuts recommended to the Department of Agriculture Budget by Gov. Rendell.
Matt Ehrhart, PA Director Chesapeake Bay Foundation, presents his testimony to the Committee. (click here for written testimony)
Watch these other videos from the hearing--
Matt Ehrhart, Chesapeake Bay Founding, On Restoring Budget
Brenda Shambaugh, PA Assn. of Conservation Districts, full testimony
Friday, March 27, 2009
John Hines, DEP, Thanks Committee Members
John Hines, DEP Office of Water Management thanks members of the statewide and regional water advisory committees for their work on the new State Water Plan.
Watch these other videos from the event--
Joe Powers, DEP Executive Deputy, Thanks Committee Members
Rep. Kate Harper On What The Plan Means
Don Bluedom, Chair of the Statewide Advisory Committee
Tom Kuhn, Thanks Members on Behalf of Rep. Camille George
(click here for full announcement)
Tom Kuhn, For Rep. George, Thanks Committee Members
Tom Kuhn thanks members of the statewide and regional water advisory committees for their work on the new State Water Plan on behalf of Rep. Camille George, Majority Chair House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.
Watch these other videos from the event--
Joe Powers, DEP Executive Deputy, Thanks Committee Members
Rep. Kate Harper On What The Plan Means
Don Bluedom, Chair of the Statewide Advisory Committee
John Hines, DEP Office of Water Management
(click here for full announcement)
Don Bluedom Thanks Advisory Committee Members
Don Bluedom, Chair of the Statewide Water Resources Committee thanks members of the statewide and regional water advisory committees for their work on the new State Water Plan.
Watch these other videos from the event--
Joe Powers, DEP Executive Deputy, Thanks Committee Members
Rep. Kate Harper On What The Plan Means
Tom Kuhn, Thanks Members on Behalf of Rep. Camille George
John Hines, DEP Office of Water Management
(click here for full announcement)
Part 2- Rep. Harper On What The Plan Means
Part 2- Rep. Kate Harper talks about what the completion of the new State Water Plan means for Pennsylvania and thanks members of the statewide and regional water advisory committees for their work on the Plan. Rep. Harper was a member of the Delaware River Regional Advisory Committee. This is Part 2 of her remarks because YouTube only allows 10 minute videos. Click here for Part 1. Watch these other videos from the event--
Joe Powers, DEP Executive Deputy, Thanks Committee Members
Don Bluedom, Chair of the Statewide Advisory Committee
Tom Kuhn, Thanks Members on Behalf of Rep. Camille George
John Hines, DEP Office of Water Management
(click here for full announcement)
Rep. Harper On What The Plan Means
Rep. Kate Harper talks about what the completion of the new State Water Plan means for Pennsylvania and thanks members of the statewide and regional water advisory committees for their work on the Plan. Rep. Harper was a member of the Delaware River Regional Advisory Committee. This is Part 1 of her remarks because YouTube only allows 10 minute videos. Click here for Part 2. Watch these other videos from the event--
Joe Powers, DEP Executive Deputy, Thanks Committee Members
Don Bluedom, Chair of the Statewide Advisory Committee
Tom Kuhn, Thanks Members on Behalf of Rep. Camille George
John Hines, DEP Office of Water Management
(click here for full announcement)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, PAEE President
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
There was a special recognition for PAEE President Ruth Roperti for her many years of work for the Association and environmental education in Pennsylvania. Ruth has served as president of PAEE for the last two years and worked to upgrade the group's journal, expand its annual conference, build relationships with the North American Association for Environmental Education and expanded fund raising and awards programs.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
PAEE Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
PAEE Special Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
Program Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures: Outdoor Adventures, Natural Biodiversity, Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team, and many partners, received an endorsement from PAEE. Accepting the endorsement was Kristen Sewak and Melissa Reynolds. It was presented by Angela Belli.
Outdoor Adventures is a one-day field trip designed to teach elementary kids about, empower them to experience and inspire them to nurture nature! Representatives of more than 40 organizations will be there to help kids explore concepts such as watersheds, wildlife habitat, invasive species and energy. Last year kids fished, got close to live birds of prey, hiked in the forest, and watched a working windmill among many other activities.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, President PAEE
PAEE Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest online newsletter: The Award was given to David Hess, Editor of the Digest and presented by Ruth Roperti.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks
Program Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, President PAEE
PAEE Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks: Sarah could not attend the ceremony due to a family commitment. The Award was presented by Kathleen Paul. Sarah manages the Outdoors Services Programming Services Division of the Bureau, including guiding over 100 interpretive staff and programs at 23 full time and 34 seasonal education programs, offered 124 teacher workshops, 2,808 programs for students. The programs together reached over 323,000 people.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
Program Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, President PAEE
PAEE Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program: The Southeast PA Area Health Education Center, Woman's Health and Environmental Network, and PA Integrated Pest Management Program for their partner program "Minimizing the Risk from Environmental Toxins at Child Care Centers Through Education," which reaches over 200 childcare centers in the Philadelphia area. Susan Digiorgio-Poll accepted the award presented by Debra Buckman.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
Program Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, President PAEE
PAEE Outstanding Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center in the Millcreek Township School District. The Award was received by Brian Winslow, Steve Wasiesky and Bonnie Bowen. It was presented by Dennis Pennington. Asbury Woods was established in 1957 through a generous gift from Dr. Otto Behrend to the Millcreek Township School District to provide the region with opportunities to experience, study and enjoy nature and to be a model site for sustainable environmental practices.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
Program Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, President PAEE
PAEE Outstanding Educator- Steve Wasiesky
The PA Association of Environmental Educators presented awards and special recognition to the following individuals and programs for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental education--
Outstanding Educator - Steve Wasiesky, Asbury Woods Nature Center: The Award was presented by Brian Winslow. Steve started his relationship with Asbury Woods Nature Center when he was 11 years. He served as a chemist for the Lord Chemical Company, but volunteered at the Center. Later got his teaching certificate and then went work as the Center's Educator Coordinator in 1999.
Other awards presented--
Keystone Award - Dede Long, Briar Bush Nature Center
Outstanding Environmental Program - Asbury Woods Nature Center
Outstanding Contribution - Integrated Pest Management Program
Government Partner - Sarah Hopkins, DCNR Bureau of State Parks
Business Partner - Crisci Associates - PA Environment Digest
Program Endorsement - Outdoor Adventures
Special Recognition - Ruth Roperti, President PAEE
Rep. Reed Details Marcellus Shale Proposal
The House Republican Energy Task Force this week unveiled the "Energize PA" plan to expand natural gas drilling on 390,000 additional acres of state forest land during the next three years.
Here, Rep. David Reed outlines the details of the proposal.
The proposal would provide an additional $260 million per year for state and local governments and conservation districts while promoting the creation of 7,000 new private-sector jobs in Pennsylvania's emerging Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling industry.
Watch these other videos from the event--
Rep. Sam Smith provides overview of proposals
Rep. Tina Pickett outlines value of Marcellus Shale
Rep. Pickett Outlines Value of Marcellus Shale
The House Republican Energy Task Force this week unveiled the "Energize PA" plan to expand natural gas drilling on 390,000 additional acres of state forest land during the next three years.
Here, Rep. Tina Pickett outlines economic potential of marcellus shale
The proposal would provide an additional $260 million per year for state and local governments and conservation districts while promoting the creation of 7,000 new private-sector jobs in Pennsylvania's emerging Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling industry.
Watch these other videos from the event--
Rep. Sam Smith provides overview of proposals
Rep. David Reed talks about the proposal details
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Jan Jarrett, PennFuture, On Natural Gas Tax
Jan Jarrett, PennFuture, comments as a coalition of environmental, sportsmen and local government groups this week announced their support for a proposal to enact a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production to benefit the environment. (click here for full announcement)
View these videos from the press conference--
Andy Loza, Pa Land Trust Assn., overview of the initiative
Rep. Bud George, Majority Chair House Environmental Committee
Rep. David Levdansky, Majority Chair House Finance Committee
Rep. Levdansky On Natural Gas Tax
Rep. David Levdansky, Majority Chair of the House Finance Committee comments as a coalition of environmental, sportsmen and local government groups this week announced their support for a proposal to enact a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production to benefit the environment. (click here for full announcement)
View these videos from the press conference--
Andy Loza, Pa Land Trust Assn., overview of the initiative
Rep. Bud George, Majority Chair House Environmental Committee
Jan Jarrett, President, PennFuture
Rep. George On Natural Gas Tax
Rep. Bud George, Majority Chair of the House Environmental Committee comments as a coalition of environmental, sportsmen and local government groups this week announced their support for a proposal to enact a severance tax on Marcellus Shale natural gas production to benefit the environment. (click here for full announcement)
View these videos from the press conference--
Andy Loza, Pa Land Trust Assn., overview of the initiative
Rep. David Levdansky, Majority Chair House Finance Committee
Jan Jarrett, President, PennFuture
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst, On Keystone HELP
Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst, talks with the Schlegel's about the steps they took with the help of the New KeystoneHELP Energy Conservation, Rebate Program.
The Commonwealth this week unveiled an expanded $17 million Keystone HELP energy conservation loan and Energy Star rebate program. Deadline for applications is June 30.
Acting DEP Secretary John Hanger was joined by State Treasurer Robert McCord, Rep. Sheryl Delozier and Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst, to talk about the new Keystone HELP Residential Energy Efficiency Loan and Rebate Program at the home of David and Jennifer Schlegel in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County.
Other videos from the announcement--
Acting Secretary John Hanger Announces Program
John Hanger Talks With The Schlegel's
Treasurer Robert McCord
Rep. Sheryl Delozier
Rep. Delozier Talks With The Schlegel's
Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R-Cumberland) talks with the Schlegel's about the steps they took with the help of the New KeystoneHELP Energy Conservation, Rebate Program.
The Commonwealth this week unveiled an expanded $17 million Keystone HELP energy conservation loan and Energy Star rebate program. Deadline for applications is June 30.
Acting Secretary DEP John Hanger was joined by State Treasurer Robert McCord, Rep. Sheryl Delozier and Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst, to talk about the new Keystone HELP Residential Energy Efficiency Loan and Rebate Program at the home of David and Jennifer Schlegel in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County.
Other videos from the announcement--
Acting Secretary John Hanger Announces Program
John Hanger Talks With The Schlegel's
Treasurer Robert McCord
Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst
State Treasurer McCord On KeystoneHELP Program
State Treasurer Robert McCord talks with the Schlegel's about the steps they took with the help of the New KeystoneHELP Energy Conservation, Rebate Program.
The Commonwealth this week unveiled an expanded $17 million Keystone HELP energy conservation loan and Energy Star rebate program. Deadline for applications is June 30.
Acting Secretary DEP John Hanger was joined by State Treasurer Robert McCord, Rep. Sheryl Delozier and Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst, to talk about the new Keystone HELP Residential Energy Efficiency Loan and Rebate Program at the home of David and Jennifer Schlegel in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County.
Other videos from the announcement--
Acting Secretary John Hanger Announces Program
John Hanger Talks With The Schlegel's
Rep. Sheryl Delozier
Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst
Acting DEP Secretary Hanger Talks With The Schlegel's
Acting Secretary John Hanger talks with the Schlegel's about the steps they took with the help of the New KeystoneHELP Energy Conservation, Rebate Program.
The Commonwealth this week unveiled an expanded $17 million Keystone HELP energy conservation loan and Energy Star rebate program. Deadline for applications is June 30.
Acting Secretary DEP John Hanger was joined by State Treasurer Robert McCord, Rep. Sheryl Delozier and Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst, to talk about the new Keystone HELP Residential Energy Efficiency Loan and Rebate Program at the home of David and Jennifer Schlegel in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County.
Other videos from the announcement--
Acting Secretary John Hanger Announces Program
Treasurer Robert McCord
Rep. Sheryl Delozier
Peter Krajsa, AFCFirst