Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don Welsh, President & CEO PA Environmental Council

Don Welsh, President & CEO PA Environmental Council joins legislators and other environmental groups at a press conference today to talk about the need to adopt a natural gas production severance tax to fund environmental programs, urge passage of a moratorium on further leasing of State Forest land for drilling and to express their support for updated drilling regulations to protect water quality.
Here are videos of three of the speakers--
Rep. David Levdansky (D-Allegheny), Majority Chair House Finance Committee
Jan Jarrett, President & CEO of PennFuture
House Yanks Vote On Marcellus Shale Tax
Disagreements Delay Proposed Marcellus Shale Gas Tax
Sen. Ferlo Wants Moratorium On Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling

Jan Jarrett, President & CEO PennFuture

Jan Jarrett, President & CEO PennFuture joins legislators and other environmental groups at a press conference today to talk about the need to adopt a natural gas production severance tax to fund environmental programs, urge passage of a moratorium on further leasing of State Forest land for drilling and to express their support for updated drilling regulations to protect water quality.
Here are videos of three of the speakers--
Rep. David Levdansky (D-Allegheny), Majority Chair House Finance Committee
Don Welsh, President & CEO of PA Environmental Council
House Yanks Vote On Marcellus Shale Tax
Disagreements Delay Proposed Marcellus Shale Gas Tax
Sen. Ferlo Wants Moratorium On Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling