Friday, October 19, 2007

Mark Gutshall on Legacy Sediments, Floodplain Restoration

Mark Gutshall, LandStudies, Inc., talks about the water quality problems related to legacy sediments and the multiple benefits of floodplain restoration-- sediment and nutrient reduction, reducing flood and stormwater damage, wildlife habitat, groundwater recharge and carbon sequestration.
For more information, pick up a copy of LandStudies' Floodplain Restoration Booklet.
And follow these other links--
Documenting Stream Channel Erosion, A Bigger Problems Than Originally Thought
Reducing Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay Through Floodplain Restoration
Critical Aquifer Recharge Benefits of Floodplain Restoration
Floodplain Restoration Improves Water Quality

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Joyce Ferris

Joyce Ferris, Managing Partner for Blue Hill Partners LLC, talks about the economic opportunities for the Commonwealth in the Climate ... all » Change Roadmap for Pennsylvania from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Nathan Wilcox

Nathan Wilcox from PennEnvironment talks about what's needed to implement the Climate Change Roadmap for Pennsylvania from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Sen. Ted Erickson

Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware) talks about the opportunities for Pennsylvania in the Climate Change Roadmap from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Dr. Paul Hepperly

Dr. Paul Hepperly of The Rodale Institute talks about the opportunity for agriculture in the PA Environmental Council's Climate Roadmap for Pennsylvania.
Visit: PEC Unveils Climate Change Roadmap

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Joel Rotz, Farm Bureau, Urges Support for REAP

Joel Rotz, PA Farm Bureau, talks about the environmental stewardship of family farms and how REAP -- House Bill 100 - Senate Bill 690 -- will help Pennsylvania farmers improve their conservation efforts.

John Brosious, PMAA, Supports REAP

John Brosious, PA Municipal Authorities Association, explains why REAP -- House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690 -- is important to cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and other watersheds.

Rep. Stern Talks About Support for REAP

Rep. Jerry Stern (R-Blair) talks about why REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690 - is important to protecting water quality in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Peter Daley Urges Support for REAP

Rep. Peter Daley (D-Washington) tells why it's important to support REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690.

Chad Forcey, PA Landscape & Nursery Assn. Supports REAP

Chad Forcey, PA Landscape & Nursery Association, talks about why his industry supports REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690.

Brian Hill, PA Environmental Council Supports REAP

Brian Hill, President & CEO of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, tells why the environmental community supports REAP - House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690.

Sen. Michael O'Pake Supports REAP

Sen. Michael O'Pake (D-Berks) tells why REAP -- House Bill 100 and Senate Bill 690 -- are important to helping family farms, particularly ... all » dairy operations, improve their environmental stewardship and their income.

A Star Is Born - Blessing the Cow

Blessing the cow gets ready for her starring role in a press conference supporting the REAP - Resource Enhancement and Protection Act -- legislative proposal. Blessing is owned by the Michael Miller Family from Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Meeting on REAP Attracts Over 150

Meeting on REAP Attracts Over 150. Matt Ehrhart, PA Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, talks about support for the Resource Enhancement and Protection Act (REAP), a proposal that provides farmers tax credits to install best management practices that reduce nutrients and sediment.
Ehrhart made his comments at a March 22 town meeting in Lancaster that attracted over 150 people and was sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
REAP, introduced as House Bill 100 by Rep. Stern (R-Blair) and Rep. Daley (D-Washington) and as Senate Bill 690 by Sen. Brubaker (R-Lancaster) and Sen. O’Pake (D-Berks) would give farmers tax credits of up to 75 percent of the cost of installing best management practices like forested stream buffer, stream fencing and other measures.
For more information, visit the CBF REAP webpage.
Other Video Blog Stories from this event:
Sen. Brubaker - REAP Brings More People to the Table
Gary Swan, PA Farm Bureau, Developing More Partnerships

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Golden Eagle At Middle Creek

Russell Hess tells the story behind one of the Golden Eagles on display at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lebanon County.
And watch this Video Blog story: Middle Creek Home to Thousands of Migrating Birds

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Visitors Center

The Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Visitors Center in Kempton, PA offers birdwatchers, students and visitors with an introduction to the history of Hawk Mountain, starting with founder Rosalie Edge, and to raptors of all types that migrate passed the Mountain every Fall and Spring.

The Center is also the starting point for going on the trails that lead up to the lookouts on Hawk Mountain.

For more information, go to

October 21, 2006

Acopian Center Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

The Acopian Center at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, PA offers unique facilities for visiting professors, the international interns working at the Sanctuary and the visiting public.

The main Center building holds the library, research facilities and meeting spaces. Two other buildings house rooming facilities for interns and apartments for visiting professors. The grounds around the Center offer several trails for birdwatching and a wetland for handling stormwater from the facilities.

The Sanctuary used many green building techniques to construct the buildings at the Center, including reuse of local building materials, energy efficient designs, ground source heating and using building materials with recycled content.

For more information, visit .

October 21, 2006

Hike To North Lookout Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

The North Lookout at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, PA is the largest of the many lookouts for raptor watchers on visits to this unique educational resource.

The Lookout is about a 45 minute walk from the Hawk Mountain Visitors Center along a trail that varies from smooth to rocky.

For more information, go to

October 21, 2006

Hike To South LookOut Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

The South Lookout at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, PA is the first of several lookouts visitors to this unique educational resource come to on the trail going up the mountain.

The Lookout is about a 20 minute walk from the Hawk Mountain Visitors Center along a trail that varies from smooth to somewhat rocky.

For more information, go to

October 21, 2006