Maurice K. Goddard Historical Marker. A historical mark commemorating the life and achievements of Dr. Maurice K. Goddard was unveiled September 17 in front of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. Ken Wolensky, PA Historical & Museum Commission, provides an overview of other historical markers commemorating events, people and places in Pennsylvania environmental history. Click here for more on the event.
Watch other videos from the event--
Marci Mowery, PA Parks & Forests Foundation
Dr. James Grace, Goddard Chair, Penn State School of Forestry
Cindy Dunn, Deputy Secretary, DCNR
John Hines, Deputy Secretary, DEP
Dr. Michele Sellitto, Commissioner, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Maurice K. Goddard Historical Marker. A historical mark commemorating the life and achievements of Dr. Maurice K. Goddard was unveiled September 17 in front of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. Dr. Michele Sellitto, Commission, PA Historical & Museum Commission, offered remarks on the Historical Marker Program. Click here for more on the event.
Watch other videos from the event--
Marci Mowery, PA Parks & Forests Foundation
Dr. James Grace, Goddard Chair, Penn State School of Forestry
Cindy Dunn, Deputy Secretary, DCNR
John Hines, Deputy Secretary, DEP
Ken Wolensky, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Maurice K. Goddard Historical Marker. A historical mark commemorating the life and achievements of Dr. Maurice K. Goddard was unveiled September 17 in front of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. John Hines, Deputy Secretary Department of Environmental Protection, offers remarks on behalf of state employees involved in environmental protection programs. Click here for more on the event.
Watch other videos from the event--
Marci Mowery, PA Parks & Forests Foundation
Dr. James Grace, Goddard Chair, Penn State School of Forestry
Cindy Dunn, Deputy Secretary, DCNR
Dr. Michele Sellitto, Commissioner, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Ken Wolensky, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Maurice K. Goddard Historical Marker. A historical mark commemorating the life and achievements of Dr. Maurice K. Goddard was unveiled September 17 in front of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. Cindy Dunn, Deputy Secretary Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, offers remarks on behalf of the women and men who work for DCNR. Click here for more on the event.
Watch other videos from the event--
Marci Mowery, PA Parks & Forests Foundation
Dr. James Grace, Goddard Chair, Penn State School of Forestry
John Hines, Deputy Secretary, DEP
Dr. Michele Sellitto, Commissioner, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Ken Wolensky, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Maurice K. Goddard Historical Marker. A historical mark commemorating the life and achievements of Dr. Maurice K. Goddard was unveiled September 17 in front of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg. Dr. James Grace, Goddard Chair, Penn State School of Forestry, speaks about Dr. Goddard's legacy. Click here for more on the event.
Watch other videos from the event--
Marci Mowery, PA Parks & Forests Foundation
Cindy Dunn, Deputy Secretary, DCNR
John Hines, Deputy Secretary, DEP
Dr. Michele Sellitto, Commissioner, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Ken Wolensky, PA Historical & Museum Commission
Spotlight On PA Clean Heat Plan. At a press conference this week, Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware), heating oil distributors and environmental groups talked about the need to pass the PA Clean Heat Plan to require ultra low sulfur heating oil with a biofuels content.
Watch these videos from the event--
Sen. Ted Erickson Doug Woosnam, PA Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Assn.
Kevin Stewart, American Lung Association
Christine Knapp, PennFuture
Ben Wootton, Keystone Biofuels
Spotlight On PA Clean Heat Plan. At a press conference this week, Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware), heating oil distributors and environmental groups talked about the need to pass the PA Clean Heat Plan to require ultra low sulfur heating oil with a biofuels content.
Watch these videos from the event--
Sen. Ted Erickson Doug Woosnam, PA Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Assn.
Kevin Stewart, American Lung Association
Christine Knapp, PennFuture
Jim Black, Clean Air Council
Spotlight On PA Clean Heat Plan. At a press conference this week, Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware), heating oil distributors and environmental groups talked about the need to pass the PA Clean Heat Plan to require ultra low sulfur heating oil with a biofuels content.
Watch these videos from the event--
Sen. Ted Erickson Doug Woosnam, PA Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Assn.
Kevin Stewart, American Lung Association
Ben Wootton, Keystone Biofuels
Jim Black, Clean Air Council
Spotlight On PA Clean Heat Plan. At a press conference this week, Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware), heating oil distributors and environmental groups talked about the need to pass the PA Clean Heat Plan to require ultra low sulfur heating oil with a biofuels content.
Watch these videos from the event--
Sen. Ted Erickson Doug Woosnam, PA Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Assn.
Christine Knapp, PennFuture
Ben Wootton, Keystone Biofuels
Jim Black, Clean Air Council
Spotlight On PA Clean Heat Plan. At a press conference this week, Sen. Ted Erickson (R-Delaware), heating oil distributors and environmental groups talked about the need to pass the PA Clean Heat Plan to require ultra low sulfur heating oil with a biofuels content.
Watch these videos from the event--
Sen. Ted Erickson Kevin Stewart, American Lung Association
Christine Knapp, PennFuture
Ben Wootton, Keystone Biofuels
Jim Black, Clean Air Council
This Blog is a companion to, the weekly online newsletter and a product of PA Environment News LLC.
I can be contacted by sending email to:
I served as Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection from 2001 to 2003, Executive Deputy at DEP from 1995 to 2001, as staff to the PA Senate Environmental Committee and various positions in the former Department of Environmental Resources, working on environmental issues for over 40 years.